כתבו עלינו

ACQ: אפיק תורג'מן נבחרת כפירמת השנה במיזוגים ורכישות

01 אוגוסט 2012

Afik Turgeman”, since its inception in 2007 grants legal
and business advise in a wide array of fields to business
clients in Israeli and internationally.
Afik Turgeman was chosen as the only Israel member of
the esteemed organization, the Euro-American Lawyers
Group (www.EALG.com).
The Firm’s Departments:
M&A and Commercial Department- Focuses on full
and personal escort to businesses. Corporate law,
businesses negotiations, international investments,
complex business transactions, joint ventures, mergers
and acquisitions, commercial agreements, governmental
corporations, banking and finance, structured finance
and “over-the-counter” financial derivatives, high-tech,
license and distribution agreements and public tenders.
Additionally, the firm specializes in Antirust and
Securities, internal compliance programs, criminal law
(“white collar” and economic crimes), commercial
and general litigation, with specialty in shareholders
disputes, tenders and public law (constitutional law &
administrative law), real estate and intellectual property.